Privacy Legislation Awareness Campaign

6 Mar 2014

The Privacy Act 1988 (Privacy Act) is an Australian law which regulates the handling of personal information about individuals. This includes the collection, use, storage and disclosure of personal information.

As from 12 March 2014, The Privacy Amendment (Enhancing Privacy Protection) Act 2012 (Privacy Amendment Act) will take effect.

Ten National Privacy Principles that are currently included in the Privacy Act and apply to the handling of personal information by large businesses, all health service providers and some small businesses and non-government organisations will be replaced by thirteen Australian Privacy Principles that will apply to both Australian government agencies and businesses.

In preparation for the new privacy law REIA liaised with a national law firm Maddocks and in collaboration developed the REIA Real Estate Agent Fact Sheet Privacy and Real Estate outlining implications of the new law to real estate businesses.

The Fact Sheet designed to familiarise real estate businesses with the new law is now available at the REIA website and can be found here.

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